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Pink Salmon (also called humpies or humpback salmon) are the smallest and most abundant salmon of any of the 5 species of wild salmon caught off the west coast of Canada and Alaska. Pink salmon live for only 2 years before returning to the same river system where they were born. Milder and more delicate in flavour, this underappreciated salmon is high in vitamin B-12, vitamin D, selenium and niacin all of which aid in neurological function, reduction of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.
Organic Ocean Wild Pink Salmon Fillets are produced from Frozen at Sea (FAS) troll caught fish from the pristine waters of Haida Gwaii in Northern British Columbia. Our Wild Pink Salmon are filleted skin-on and boneless.
Wild pink salmon fillets can be grilled, broiled and baked. A delicate fish tastiest when grilled skin side down to retain subtle flavours, Pink Salmon fillets also exhibit their best qualities when cured, steamed or poached. Chef Robert Clark's favourite wild salmon species to create seafood dishes with, check out his easy but flavour filled recipe for poached pink salmon.
The wild pink salmon was beautiful! My dinner guest was blown away by it. I salted and peppered the skin side and pan seared it skin side down in a little oil and butter. I basted the top well of the skin was cooking and then I gave it a quick flip for about one minute and then let it rest for about five minutes.
Hey Joe, Thanks for the great cooking tips. Sounds like your pink salmon turned out fabulously!
Excellent, so great to enjoy my BC Pink Salmon again. It has always been may favorite seafood along with deep sea prawns.
It was great having wild salmon again. Will definitely keep purchasing this product.
Superb frozen product I have bought several and constantly the same results of delicious BC Pink Salmon. :-)
Common Name | Latin Name | Production Method | Harvest Method | Country of Origin | FAO Region | Processing Country | Sustainability Ratings |
Pink Salmon | Oncorhynchus gorbuscha | Wild | Troll | Canada | FAO 67 | Canada |